What We Do For You

“I've been working with the Voyager team for nearly ten years, in mulitple successful startups.  The combination of their vision, loyalty, and caring team makes them an excellent investment partner.  They support the entire business and set us up for maximum success.”

Tricia Iboshi

CEO, Videon


Our network is your network

As we build our partnership, the Voyager network becomes your network. From domain experts in your field to early customer targets to strategic partnerships that may lead to much larger outcomes, we put the entire Voyager network at your disposal.

“The Voyager team is very good at knowing their role as an investor — what that role is and what it isn’t. Those lines are very clear, so everyone can do their jobs and march forward.”

Kate Johnson

CEO, Act-On

We're entrepenuer-centric
throughout your journey

Doing what’s best for your company. Offering a collaborative approach at exit. Keeping an even keel amidst inevitable growth turbulence. Helping you fill the funding gaps along the way. That’s how our portfolio companies describe what it’s like to work with Voyager. Our approach centers around you, the entrepreneur.

“We weren’t a traditional bay area investment. We didn’t match the profile and we were very quickly discarded. The Voyager team was able to see in me someone able to build a meaningful business from nothing, and to use that as a foundation to go build something with a venture return profile.”

Jesse Proudman

Founder, Blue Box
Acquired by IBM in 2015


Meet Voyager

Voyager invests in entrepreneurs who have the passion and discipline to unleash ideas, push boundaries and thrive on disruptive changes. When you work with Voyager, you get investment beyond the dollar signs.